01 Oct Celebrating 10 Years
On September 2, 2020, Foundation Management and Pro Productions celebrated its 10th Birthday! September was a month full of reflection. We had the opportunity to look at where we started and how far we have come.
Throughout the past 10 years, so many incredible milestones have been accomplished and FMP Productions has grown beyond belief. To date, we have raised over $30 Million for 46 different nonprofit clients. Within this, 244 unique events were successfully executed. There are so many people who have made this possible. Please enjoy this note of gratitude from our President, Erin Lynch.
Note of Gratitude from President Erin Lynch
“When I look back on the past 10 years, I can’t help but smile. As a team, we have learned, we have laughed, we have cried, we have been scared, we have felt proud, we messed up, we redeemed ourselves, we have relied on everyone we know for help and support, we have changed lives, we have changed our own lives, we have raised $30 Million for the charities that we work with. It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since I thought, ‘It would be amazing if we just raised $35,000 for The Greg Hill Foundation’.
“FMP has come so far since then and we didn’t go through this journey alone. Thank you to every employee and intern that FMP has ever had. We would not have been able to function without your hard work, dedication and commitment to your role. Thank you to our clients for your trust, patience and empowerment. Thank you to our vendors who have worked so hard to make us a better company to work with and fulfill all of our unique requests. Thank you to our board members for challenging us and demanding perfection. Thank you to our donors, you are the backbone of what we do for all of our clients. Thank you to our volunteers, the wheel doesn’t turn without all of you and you do the craziest things purely because we ask you to!
“Thank You. Thank You. Thank you!”
Erin Kate Lynch
Foundation Management & Pro Productions, Inc.
As we reflect on the past, we look forward to the future. We are excited to take on the new challenges 2020 has presented, continuing to support our clients, old and new, with unparalleled service while they work hard to fulfill their individual missions. We hope you join us for the next 10 years, as each and every one of you has made an impact in our success. Thank you for celebrating this incredible milestone with us.
Cheers to the next 10 years!